Genome Read In-Memory (GRIM) Filter: Fast Location Filtering in DNA Read Mapping using Emerging Memory Technologies Jeremie Kim, Damla Senol, Hongyi Xin, Donghyuk Lee, Mohammed Alser, Hasan Hassan, Oğuz Ergin, Can Alkan, Onur Mutlu Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2017) |
Error recovery through partial value similarity Abdulaziz Eker, Oğuz Ergin International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT 2016) |
ChargeCache: Reducing DRAM Latency by Exploiting Row Access Locality Hasan Hassan, Gennady Pekhimenko, Nandita Vijaykumar, Vivek Seshadri, Donghyuk Lee, Oğuz Ergin, Onur Mutlu 22nd IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 2016), Barcelona, Spain |
Exploiting a fast and simple ECC for scaling supply voltage in level-1 caches Gülay Yalçın, Emrah İşlek, Öykü Tozlu, Pedro Reviriego, Adrian Cristal, Osman S. Ünsal, Oğuz Ergin IEEE 20th International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS 2014), Platja d’Aro, Girona, Spain |
GPU based Parallel Image Processing Library for Embedded Systems Mustafa Çavuş, Hakkı Doğaner Sümerkan, Osman Seçkin Şimşek, Hasan Hassan, Abdullah Giray Yağlıkçı, Oğuz Ergin 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP’13), Lisbon, Portugal, January 2014. |
Adapting the Columns of Storage Components for Lower Static Energy Dissipation Mehmet Burak Aykenar, Muhammet Özgür, Osman Seçkin Şimşek, Oğuz Ergin 21st IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC’13), Istanbul, Turkey. |
Exploiting Replicated Checkpoints for Soft Error Detection and Correction Fahrettin Koç, Kenan Bozdaş, İbrahim Burak Karslı, Oğuz Ergin 16th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE’13), Grenoble, France, March 2013. |
Exploiting Bus Level and Bit Level Inactivity for Preventing Wire Degradation due To Electromigration Mehmet Kayaalp, Fahrettin Koç, Oğuz Ergin 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design(DSD 2012), Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey |
Improving the Soft Error Resilience of the Register Files Using SRAM Bitcells with Builtin Comparators Mehmet Kayaalp, Fahrettin Koç, Oğuz Ergin 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design(DSD 2012), Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey |
Tag Simplification: Achieving Power Efficiency through Reducing the Complexity of the Wakeup Logic Mehmet Burak Aykenar, Muhammet Özgür, Vehbi Eşref Bayraktar, Oğuz Ergin 2nd International Conference on Energy Aware Computing (ICEAC’11), Istanbul, Turkey, December 2011. |
Using Content-Aware Bitcells to Reduce Static Energy Dissipation Fahrettin Koç, Osman Seçkin Şimşek, Oğuz Ergin 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD’11), Amherst, October |
Dynamic Register File Partitioning in Superscalar Microprocessors for Energy Efficiency Meltem Özsoy, Yusuf Onur Koçberber, Mehmet Kayaalp, Oğuz Ergin 28th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD’10), Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2010, pp.515-520. |
Complexity-Effective Rename Table Design for Rapid Speculation Recovery Görkem Aşılıoğlu, Emine Merve Kaya, Oğuz Ergin 23th Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS’10), Hannover, Germany, February 2010. |
Exploiting Inactive Rename Slots for Detecting Soft Errors Mehmet Kayaalp, Oğuz Ergin, Osman Ünsal, Mateo Valero 23th Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS’10), Hannover, Germany, February 2010, pp.126-137. |
Reducing Parity Generation Latency through Input Value Aware Circuits Yusuf Osmanlıoğlu, Yusuf Onur Koçberber, Oğuz Ergin 19th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI’09), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, May 2009, pp.109-112. |
Exploiting the Dependency Checking Logic of the Rename Stage for Soft Error Detection Oğuz Ergin, Gülay Yalçın, Osman Ünsal, Mateo Valero 1st Workshop on Design for Reliability (DFR’09), Paphos, Southern Cyprus, January 2009. |